Module hivetranse.hibernate3
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[public] Schema hivetranse.hibernate3.HibernateSettingsSchema
Element <mapping>
Defines an Hibernate class mapping. Exactly one of both attributes 'class' and 'file' must be provided.
Attribute class Translator: class
The name of a persistent class.
Attribute file Translator: resource
Location of an xml file containing the Hibernate mapping of persistent classes.
Attribute package Translator: string
The name of a package on which to use Hibernate 3.1 annotations.
Conversion Rules
<conversion class="net.sourceforge.hivetranse.transaction.hibernate3.HibernateMappingContribution" >
  • <map attribute="package" property="mappingPackage" />
  • <map attribute="class" property="mappingClass" />
  • <map attribute="file" property="mappingFile" />
Element <property>
property elements can be used to define more specific Hibernate properties, such as database url, user or password. HiveMind Symbol substitution can be used here to "externalize" definition of some properties and make them easier to modify.
Attribute name (required) (unique) Translator: string
Attribute value (required) Translator: string
Conversion Rules
<conversion class="net.sourceforge.hiveutils.collections.NameValuePair" />

Module hivetranse.hibernate3
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