Module hiveutils
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[public] Configuration Point hiveutils.PreferencesOccurs: unbounded
Configuration point defining beans that can be stored/loaded into/from the Java 1.4 preferences store through the PreferencesManager service.
Element <entry>
One entry defines one node in the preferences store. One such node is mapped to/from a java bean and will have subnodes based on the properties names of this bean.
Attribute bean-class (required) Translator: class
Class of the bean that contains the preferences information to be mapped to/from the preferenes store.
Attribute event-channel Translator: object
Optionnally provide a net.sourceforge.hiveevents.Consumer (generally an Event Channel) to which the latest preference bean will be sent each time it is written back to the preferences store.
Attribute name (required) (unique) Translator: string
Node name (must be unique). It is advised to add the application name (or code) as prefix of the name (to avoid conflicts with other java-based applications). For this you can use '/' to separate the application name from the node name.
Attribute type Translator: enumeration,net.sourceforge.hiveutils.util.PrefType,system=SYSTEM,user=USER
Indicates whether the bean must be stored under user-related preferences, or under system-related. Default is user. Note that some PreferencesManager implementation may not take this field into account.
Conversion Rules
<conversion class="net.sourceforge.hiveutils.service.impl.PreferenceContribution" />

Module hiveutils
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