Module hivegui
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[public] Configuration Point hivegui.MenusOccurs: unbounded
List of all menus and menu items managed by the MenuFactory service.
Element <item>
One menu item.
Attribute command (required) Translator: object
Action object to be executed when the menu item is selected (must implement Action).
Attribute has-sub-menus Translator: boolean
true if this item is not a leaf menu item but has in fact sub menu items. Default is false. Please note that currently sub menu items must be dynamically added by specific end-developer code (there is no built-in mechanism to include items inside items based on configuration).
Attribute id (required) (unique) Translator: string
Unique id of the item.
Conversion Rules
<conversion class="" />
Element <menu>
One menu (composed of menu items). One menu is either belonging to the menu bar or is a popup menu.
Attribute id (required) (unique) Translator: string
Unique id of the menu.
Attribute order Translator: int
Order in which it must appear in the menu bar (if not a popup menu).
Attribute popup Translator: boolean
"true" in case of a popup menu (i.e. not attached to the menu bar).
Nested Elements
One menu (composed of menu items). One menu is either belonging to the menu bar or is a popup menu.
<conversion class="" />
Attribute id (required) (unique) Translator: string
Unique id of the menu.
Attribute order Translator: int
Order in which it must appear in the menu bar (if not a popup menu).
Attribute popup Translator: boolean
"true" in case of a popup menu (i.e. not attached to the menu bar).
Element <item>
One item belonging to this menu.
Attribute id Translator: string
Id of an existing menu item. If not specified, this item will actually be a separator.
Conversion Rules
<push-attribute attribute="id" />
<invoke-parent method="addItem" />
Conversion Rules
<conversion class="" />

Module hivegui
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